
Admissions - Applying for a school place at YHS Senior Girls' School:

All applications to the school are made via the Local Authority (Hackney) website.

Please note applications should now be made on the main eAdmissions service.

Please read the information guide -  for help with making your application.

The school's published admissions arrangements can be found here

Appeal Dates and Information

Please  click here  to find out what to do, if you wish appeal, having not been offered a place at Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' High School.

Please click here for information on in-year appeals.

OFSTED Reports

Please  click here, to open a PDF of the May 2024 OFSTED REPORT, in a separate window of your Browser
click here, to open a PDF of the October 2021 OFSTED Report, in a separate window of your Browser


School Calendars

Please  click here  to see the 2023-2024 term/holiday dates.

School Opening Times

Monday– Thursday:      8.00am – 5.00pm

Friday:                           8:00am – 1.00pm

Morning Registration:   

Monday - Friday:           8.15am

Compulsory ending times:

Monday– Thursday:       4:35pm

Friday:                            12.40pm


Total hours per week = 37.75 hours


Examination Results Information

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for 1 school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Progress 8 - 1.65

Attainment 8 - 59.4%

Percentage of students with a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in both English and Mathematics: 73%

Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate: 19%

EBacc average point score (APS): 4.52

Student ‘destinations’ (2019 data, most recent available) 79%

Progress 8 was well above average showing that our students made good progress from when they started at YHS.


Pupil Premium
click here, to open the associated PDF in a separate window of your Browser.


Covid-19 Catch-up Premium
click here, to open the associated PDF in a separate window of your Browser.


Please see the Policies page for the 
SEN Policy  and the  SEN Information Report.

GCSE Subjects
English Language, English Literature, Maths, Business Studies, Biblical Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, Art, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, History, Citizenship, Physical Education (PE), Photography and Physics. As well as an NVQ in Childcare.


Exam Dates
click here, to open the associated PDF in a separate window of your Browser


Secular Curriculum Map

Please click here to open this year's 2023-2024 Curriculum Map in a separate window of your browser.

To see last year's 2022-2023 Curriculum Map, please click here  to open the associated PDF in a separate window of your browser.

For further curriculum information please email


School Performance Tables

Click here  to be directed to the Government website where you can find and compare schools. If the link does not work, copy and paste this URL into your browser:

School's Financial Benchmarking

Click here  to be directed to the Government website where you can find and compare schools' financial information. If the link does not work, copy and paste this URL into your browser:


Section 48 Report
click here, to open the associated PDF in a separate window of your Browser.


Salary Bands
The Government requires schools to publish the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings. At our school, nobody earns these amounts.

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